RRC Elementary Receives 2016 Reward School Designation

Final 2016 Reward School logo
Dear Principal,

I am writing today to offer my personal congratulations for Red Rock Central Elementary School’s recent designation as a 2016 Reward School. Your school is among the highest performing schools in the state, and this recognition reflects the incredible success of your students and tireless efforts on behalf of your staff.

Minnesota’s Multiple Measurements Rating (MMR) allows us to look more broadly at the performance of a school in the areas of proficiency, growth, achievement gap reduction and graduation rates. The system emphasizes the importance of both achievement and student progress from year-to-year, and it allows us to recognize and share the incredible accomplishments in schools just like yours.

As you likely know, the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) was signed into law in December 2015. Under this federal law, Minnesota will design a new accountability and recognition system that amplifies our work to increase overall student achievement and reduce opportunity and achievement gaps. We look forward to building this new system alongside students, educators and families.

I believe that if we work together, every Minnesota school can be excellent. By learning from school like yours, we believe we can accelerate positive results and replicate your successes to help reduced achievement gaps among students. I appreciate the hard work you do every dya to ensure the students you serve are successful. You, your staff and your students are to be commended. 

Again, please accept my best wishes on your remarkable accomplishment, and thank you for your work to ensure every Minnesota child reaches their highest potential.

Dr. Brenda Cassellius
MN Commissioner of Education
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